Firefighter Series - Fire, EMS, Rescue, Training
The 2nd half of this 48 with Eng. 3's "A" Shift. Firefighter Silva is on a strict diet and a full regiment of exercises; he takes advantage of whatever time he has in between the large volume of calls at Station 3. A call comes in for an additional engine needed at a fire out in the west side of town. There's no hydrants out here. They are called off and head back to the station. On the way, they drive through one of Fresno's many homeless camps. They have overtaken the Downtown Fresno Area and it has become a very dangerous place full of drugs, prostitution and people that prey on others. A call comes in and they are out the door...and so much more.
Station 17, night, a call comes in, it's a Structure Fire. The Rescue and Engine 17 arrive on-scene of a home fully involved.. It turns out it was being remodeled. Rescue Firefighter Shell shows us around the interior. Night comes to a close as the sun comes up. Our first call in the morning is an extrication then some free body work.
Por la noche, entra una llamada, es un fuego de basura. Nocturno, fuego en la estructura con una persona atrapada.
It's snowing in Columbus. This 24 is with Battalion Chief Devine, it starts off with a morning meeting, his upcoming retirement is on everyone's mind. The Chief drops in at one of the stations in his 3rd Battalion. A call comes in for a Structure Fire, the Chief, known to be a little heavy on the gas pedal, heads for the scene in his usual style of speeding. We arrive on scene to find a two-story brick single family dwelling with smoke pouring out of the doors and windows, the Chief is old-school, he does not put on his SCBA.
Morning at Station 7, the Division of Training. First off, the morning meeting with the Chiefs, Fred and crews pay close attentions. The Chiefs have a location to train, the entire Battalion arrives for this huge opportunity to train at an abandoned Hospital very soon to be demolished to make way for a new one. Division Chief Cardinal and the Battalion Chiefs come up with a plan for a major evolution, all hands on deck.
This 24 starts with roll-call. Then, we see what's going on in the kitchen. Truck 15's "2" Unit tillerman, Thomas (Butch) Cain, jumps on the computer looking for some new gloves, then; it's time to check the tools on the truck. So far, It's a really slow day, something you never say, mostly Engine and EMS Captain calls. Night falls, a call comes in, we are out the door...we arrive on-scene of an row-home apartment fire.
Station 9, Engine 9's "B" Shift. Captain Karey Wedemeyer and her crew run mostly EMS calls until the late afternoon,
Snowing at Sta. 15, we ride with Woody on Truck,
This is Division, Station 7. A normal start: morning meeting, and checking the equipment and rigs. We go over some of the equipment for shoring in case of a collapse. Outside, we find the training tower. This is also where you find the office of the Division of Training. The crew gather for training on shoring with some of the departments specialists. E7 runs a medical call. Then they check out an area that has big grass fires this time of year. They check the roads and access, and then, the view of the city. You have got to see this. T7 responds to a fire alarm.
Dedicated to the loss of the President of Kentland, Don "Patch" Ackers who in this show is behind the wheel of Squad 33 as they arrive on scene of a huge multi vehicle accident on the Washington D.C. Beltway. Multiple victims spread across the road. 1st responders tend to their patients. Later, volunteer Peter Johnson, who wants to become a Police Officer for P.G. County, arrives on scene in Rescue 33 for a SUV that has rolled over and down an embankment.This 24 ends arriving on scene of a structure fire, smoke and fire showing.