Firefighter Series - Fire, EMS, Rescue, Training
Night, after a long day, a call comes in, it's a structure fire, smoke showing, Engine 33 and Twoer 33 respond. The Deputy Chief is driving the engine, he stops at the hydrant, the Tower drives by and lands in the driveway of the structure. The pull lines, the enter the front door of the home, outside, they start to ventalite, the door is opened and we are inside the garage. After enough water has been used, the thermal imager camera is brought in to make sure that evey ember is out. Back at the station
Station 13, Water Rescue Teams Train at the pool, then the swift water of the river. A Desperate man bleeds our from ontop of a freeway CA99 road sign, the freeway shuts down and their's a standoff.
Rescue 17 – a driver possibly on Heroin gets his high taken from him.
The Calaveras Consolidated Fire District is located in the foot hills of the Serra Mountains in Northern California where there are many lakes and streams in the 1st due area of this department. The Chief is young and progressive. He came in and sold off the older rigs and equipment to make his department lean and mean. Left with an older Pierce engine, he took some of the funds and just ordered a new Pierce soon to be delivered. You may have seen the shot of him in a meeting with the rep.
This 24/7 starts with roll-call at Station 17, this roll-call includes Deputy Chief Whiting, now the Assistant Chief. The Columbus Fire Department maintains the hydrants so seasonally, twice a year, they all must be tested, maintained or reported for service. Next, a tour of the Rescue rig with one of the technicians, he shows us the tools they use. Next, we ride on Engine 17 to a vehicle fire, it's blazing, then, a man down on a bike, then they catch another call, busy station.
Rescue 33 responding to a bus hits auto...supposedly...accident. You make the decision
summary coming soon
Por la noche, entra una llamada, es un fuego de basura. Nocturno, fuego en la estructura con una persona atrapada.
Dedicated to the loss of the President of Kentland, Don "Patch" Ackers who in this show is behind the wheel of Squad 33 as they arrive on scene of a huge multi vehicle accident on the Washington D.C. Beltway. Multiple victims spread across the road. 1st responders tend to their patients. Later, volunteer Peter Johnson, who wants to become a Police Officer for P.G. County, arrives on scene in Rescue 33 for a SUV that has rolled over and down an embankment.This 24 ends arriving on scene of a structure fire, smoke and fire showing.
Station 4 "C" Shift. The four man crew staffs the Tower Ladder Truck, The USAR Rig that is also used for Water Rescue; they wish they could be a combination station again. This 48 starts out with a the team going over the equipment necessary for finding victims of an earthquake that may be stuck under the rubble. Time to go shopping for chow for the next 48 hours and, back at the station, they cook their lunch. As busy as this station is, they still find time to exercise. A call comes in – its a big roll of something in the water canal, possibly a wrapped body.