Firefighter Series - Fire, EMS, Rescue, Training

First call, Engine 27 crew responds to a "Smoke Showing" call, they arrive on scene to a fire in a basement, creosote is the cause. Next, they arrive on-scene to an auto accident. Later in the day, a call comes in, Squad 27, also a pumper/engine, heads out the door, the arrive on-scene; it's a structure fire in a negihboring township. The crew drag a line to a window, it's another basement fire. Lot's of basement fires in New Jersey.

Oletha Bomb Squad detonates bombs

Running Code Mountains, never easy. Training, most important to Asst. Chief Bulke

Night contiunes, Engine 33 responds, smoke showiing. At the end of the call, the Truck Co. leaves;says it's clear and safe, Deputy Chief Pat Mann followed his instinks and he saved the day. Chief Kelleher goes to D.C. to his othe job as a firefighter.

Station 17, roll-call. The young Probie, you've seen him in several early webisodes....arrives to his first real roll call. And as usual, just after roll-call... he's transferred to Station 10; we'll catch up with him later. So, we hang with Rescue 17's crew, EMS call to a muni-bus, next call, smoke at a restaurant. Night falls, a call comes in, it's a structure fire just down the street and who do we find at his first fire?

Dedicated to the loss of the President of Kentland, Don "Patch" Ackers who in this show is behind the wheel of Squad 33 as they arrive on scene of a huge multi vehicle accident on the Washington D.C. Beltway. Multiple victims spread across the road. 1st responders tend to their patients. Later, volunteer Peter Johnson, who wants to become a Police Officer for P.G. County, arrives on scene in Rescue 33 for a SUV that has rolled over and down an embankment.This 24 ends arriving on scene of a structure fire, smoke and fire showing.

This morning, Chief Kelleher and the crew clean the rigs, the get thrashed in the winter; a call comes in, it's supporting a Hazmat Incident at NASA; it's by invitation only, and even then, you can't just walk in.

B.C. Serrano at Division- a call comes in, it's a structure fire, we arrive on scene- it's an auto on fire in the open carport under an apartment building, this can be very dangerous in any city, the battalion is on scene. Back at the station, then, Rescue 2 responds to a call. Back at the station we experience one of the huge dangers at fire stations across america; but this is changing. Fuel Pumps close enough that all the fumes rise through the building, a building where men and women sleep upstairs; you all know what's happening here.

Rescue 17 – a driver possibly on Heroin gets his high taken from him.
